
Community Meeting Aggregator

This calendar attempts to gather information about meetings and volunteer events held by the various community groups concerned with South Side parks in one place. These groups are NOT affiliated with with the "South Side Parks" website; we aggregate their meeting information as a way to encourage residents to become more directly involved with caring for their public spaces.

Add to your own Google Calendar by pressing the blue "+" button in the lower right of the calendar grid.

Note: Because this calendar is largely aggregated from other sources, it is a good idea to check with the hosting organizations to be sure that the meeting details are still current. We also recommend that you follow them on social media and subscribe to their newsletters for the most current information.

If you have an event you would like included on the calendar, please email [email protected]

Groups included in the calendar:

We also strongly encourage you to attend your alderman's meetings. Unfortunately, many Chicago aldermen do not list meeting information on their websites and may even make it difficult to sign up for their email newsletters. If you are having trouble, please email [email protected] and we can try to help.